We support your projects

Cultural funding

Article L.324-17 of the Intellectual Property Code provides for the allocation of a share of the remunerations collected for action to assist Creation, live performances and artist training. These sums are taken from part of the Remuneration for private copying and Equitable Remuneration.

The Cultural Division manages these aids to promote employment for performing artists in music, dance and theatre. Thus, SPEDIDAM allocates about €10 million to cultural initiatives to help many structures and thousands of performers to achieve their projects.

If you are creating a live show, SPEDIDAM can help you supplement your budget, yet not start it off from the beginning, since its financial support (as is the case with other civil societies) is only provided as a top-up to investments made by the show’s producer, revenue and possible public aid.

To benefit from aid for live performance or artist training (private school) or to travel abroad you can apply for aid online at http://adel.spedidam.fr, taking into account the schedule of Aid allocation Committees meetings which is available on the site.

To be accepted by the Aid allocation Committee, your application must comply with the criteria defined by SPEDIDAM’s Board available at: http://adel.spedidam.fr

For more information, you can contact the Cultural division by phone on Tuesdays from 9am to 1pm and Thursdays from 2pm to 6pm.

You can also send an email to : division-culturelle@spedidam.fr

A.D.E.L. account

Important information on the SPEDIDAM’s aid:

  • The Aid allocation Committee’s decision (application accepted or rejected) is communicated exclusively via the structure’s A.D.E.L. space at the end of the Committee meeting (which can last up to 5 days). Except for SPEDIDAM posters, the Cultural Division sends no documents by post.
  • If the decision is positive, the structure will have to download the Funding Convention from its A.D.E.L. account and post it to the Cultural Division in one copy, preferably printed on both sides of the paper.
  • Reception of the Convention by the Cultural Division will enable the structure to access the payment thumbnail. The structure will then have to submit its payment request via A.D.E.L. (down payment or balance) with all the documents required before the deadline.

NB: No payment request made other than through the structure’s A.D.E.L.space may be taken into account.

To access your A.D.E.L. account, click HERE

Bilan de l’action culturelle

L’attribution des aides de l’ action culturelle fait l’objet d’un rapport annuel soumis à l’approbation de l’Assemblée générale et transmis au ministre de la Culture ainsi que d’un rapport spécial du commissaire aux comptes.

Programme Génération SPEDIDAM

Artistes « Génération SPEDIDAM »

À travers le dispositif d’accompagnement « Génération SPEDIDAM », la SPEDIDAM met en valeur des artistes de toutes générations qui ont en commun un talent de niveau international, un goût de la recherche et un sens affirmé de la relation entre l’artiste et le public.

La SPEDIDAM accompagne durant trois années ces artistes de premier plan et leur offre une opportunité supplémentaire de se produire dans des lieux emblématiques devant un large public.

Le label « Génération SPEDIDAM » participe à la mise en valeur du potentiel artistique musical et contribue au soutien et au développement des carrières d’artistes.

The SPEDIDAM network

The SPEDIDAM’s network gathers 14 festivals in 2019 in France.

It implements each event in the network. A production team assists each local association to develop the project from A to Z to make it become an event of national importance.

It participates in all aspects of the production of the festival in close cooperation with the different partners. The goal is for all players to be involved in one network comprised of unique and federating events.